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The Southern V  Gives

This year, The Southern V was able to donate new laptops to John Early Magnet Middle school in their North Nashville community with the purpose of providing relief for those students in need to support their virtual learning.
After speaking with the principal, we were informed that there was a "critical needs" list with other students that could also benefit from assistance. So we are going to support this school, and hopefully more in the future, to ensure these children have every opportunity possible. We will be accepting monetary donations as well as essential items to achieve that goal.
Many students (and their families) have been displaced due to various reasons and are either living on the streets, or in nearby shelters.  
Sizes vary, but these are middle school students (grades 5 - 8).
We will be accepting NEW items only (original packaging preferred).
Essentials such as:
Personal care items, oral care, body wash, deodorant, hand sanitizer, wipes, feminine care products, etc. Undergarments such as socks, underwear, bras, undershirts, etc. 
NEW and unopened pre-packaged food items/snacks (preferably that do not require refrigeration) are extremely helpful. 
**Items that we will accept that are CLEAN and very GENTLY used are the following:
Winter coats, clothing for colder months such as sweaters, jeans, pants, closed toe shoes, gloves, hats, etc.
We reserve the right to refuse + discard items. For example, items that have not been laundered, have stains or holes will not be accepted on behalf of these children.  
If you would like to drop off a donation, please do so on Saturdays + Sundays between 10am-2pm. Please call 615-802-8136 to inform us you have a donation. A member of our staff will come to your vehicle to retrieve the items.
All monetary donations will go towards the purchase of essential items for the students at John Early Magnet Middle School at this time.
"Be the change you want to see."
-Team Hancock
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